Sparrows is the name of our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 class which is currently taught by Mrs Morris and Mrs Scott.

What are Sparrows learning about this half term?
Our quality text in English this half term is Traction Man. It’s a lovely book about a boys Christmas present ‘Traction Man’ and all the adventures he gets up to. Year 2 are looking at expanded noun phrases this half term and Year 1 are looking at noun phrases. Our Reception pupils are continuing with their Little Wandle Phonics sessions and using what they learn to help them write words independently.
In Maths Reception are looking at squares, circles and triangles, as well as numbers to 5 in detail. Year 1 and 2 are focusing on place value within 100 and shape. In Maths we are continuing to learn using lots of different methods including Maths related books, concrete resources, and the outdoors.
In History this half term, we are looking at past and present. We are looking at our own personal history, our life timeline and how our childhood differs from that of children in the past. We have been to Shugborough on our school trip and seen how some children worked from a very young age, and we will be using what we have learnt in our history lessons this half term.
Our PE unit this half term is Fundamentals, where we will be learning the skills we need to build on to play team games and take part in other PE units.
In PSHE, we have started the half term by learning about bonfire and firework safety. We will be moving onto our new My Happy Mind unit called Celebrate, next week. In this unit we will be learning about our character strengths and how we should celebrate ourselves and these characteristics.
In Science, we are learning about micro habitats and in RE we will be learning about why Christmas is so important to Christians. Music this half term will also be linked to Christmas.
Finally, this half term we will completing an Art unit. We will be learning about a variety of tools and media to investigate the different ways that we can make marks. We will also be creating a range of Christmas arts and crafts using these skills and methods.
For more information regarding how we meet the needs of our Early Years children, please visit the following page of our website:
Early Years at All Saints
In Early Years and Key Stage 1, we use Little Wandle to teach Phonics and early reading. Please visit the following page of our website to find out more about how reading is taught at All Saints:
Reading at All Saints