Our Curriculum Intent Statement
At All Saints our vision states that through the power of God’s love children will reach their true potential and be able to live their lives with an open mind so that they learn from the world around them. Through our unique curriculum, we provide the knowledge and skills our children need to embrace our school motto: Love, Live and Learn.
Love: Throughout a child’s journey through All Saints, we inspire a love of learning. The National Curriculum is underpinned by our Christian values of compassion, thankfulness, hope, respect, courage and forgiveness. Our close-knit school community comprises of our families, our staff, our church and our village. It is the strong bond held between us all that provide the nurture and love that enables our children to reach their true potential.
Live: Through the learning experiences provided, we aim for our children to become well-rounded citizens, able to think independently, approaching challenge with an open mind to be well prepared for life in modern Britain. Our curriculum is brought to life through stimulating experiences such as trips, visits or speakers with the intention of providing knowledge and skills, as well as building aspirations for future life. A regular programme of enrichment activities throughout the academic year builds on our pupil’s cultural capital, whilst enhancing different areas of curriculum in turn. Our ultimate aim is for our children to leave All Saints with a growth mind-set and ambitious expectations of themselves, equipped knowledge, skills and vocabulary needed in their adult life.
Learn: We aim to deliver a connected curriculum that builds on a strong foundation of core skills. Our high expectations ensure children make good progress which is carefully monitored. Everything we teach must sit within a bigger picture to enable our children to become deeper level learners, making links between areas of learning and the world around them.
Our curriculum is delivered through whole school themes due to the flexible approach we need to maintain for an effective class structure year on year. We strongly believe that children benefit as learners from our unique, rural setting. The village of Bednall’s farming roots, along with our school’s Victorian heritage, provides them with rich, first-hand learning experiences.

Curriculum Overview Year A 2024-2025
Curriculum Overview Year B 2023-2024
We are Historians!
We are Geographers!
We are Scientists!
We are Musicians!
We are Artists!
We are Designers!
We are Active Learners!
We are Theologists!
We are open-minded, respectful Citizens!
We have recently become a ‘My Happy Mind’ school – more information coming soon!
Please click on the images below to find out what each of our classes are learning about this half term:

If you have any questions regarding our curriculum, please contact our Curriculum Development Lead, Mrs H Mayhew or our Headteacher, Mrs Z Scott.