Eagles is our mixed year 5 and year 6 class which is currently taught by Miss Glover and supported by Miss Chaplain and Miss Shannaghan.

What are Eagles learning about this half term?
English & Guided Reading
Our chosen text is “The Wolves of Willoughby Chase” by Joan Aiken. Our fictional writing focus will be setting descriptions. Daily grammar lessons will provide children with the development of skills to implement within their writing such as: the function of semi-colons. We will also recap the skills from the previous half term to retain our knowledge of clauses and sentence structure.
Year 5 & 6: Fractions, Multiplication and Division Part B
In History, we will be studying the Vikings, concluding if they were traders, raiders, or something else. The class will investigate Viking life, write their own version of a Viking saga, and evaluate the impact their invasions had on Great Britain.
Our new topic is Living Things: Classifying Big and Small. The children will broaden their knowledge of vertebrates, invertebrates, plants, and micro-organism.
Our Art topic this half term is called “I need Space” where we will explore the purpose and impact of images from the “Space Race” era of the 1950s and 60s. The children will combine drawing with collagraph printmaking to create a futuristic image.
Our computing skill focus this half term is all things “Spreadsheets!”
Tuesdays: Hockey (4 weeks) and volleyball (3 weeks) (outdoor PE Kit)
*Can Eagles children come to school wearing PE kit on Tuesdays. Please take into consideration that as the months get colder, the children will need a coat/something warm to wear as our sessions will take place outdoors at school.
We will resume our work on “My Happy Mind” on a Tuesday afternoon as part of our RSE/ PHSE curriculum,
The class will continue take part in weekly music lessons with Mr Dean.
Our topic is “Incarnation: was Jesus the Messiah?”