Doves is a mixed year 3/4 class taught by Mrs MacKinnon and Mrs Mayhew, who are supported by Mrs Butler.

What are Doves learning about this half term?
English – In Doves our guided reading book is Oliver Twist. We will be using the text to help us to write expanded noun phrases and add adverbs to improve our writing. We will also be learning how to write a comparative opening using Oliver Twist as our stimulus.
Maths – in maths this term we are continuing our learning about addition and subtraction and moving on to multiplication and division. We are also learning our times tables up to 12 x 12.
Science – This term we are learning about electricity and circuits. We will be finding out why circuits work and don’t work, what is needed for a complete circuit and also how to power different series circuits.
History – We are using archaeological evidence to find out about the chronology of mankind, beginning with the Stone Age and then moving on to the Bronze age and the Iron age. We will find out about life in these times and how it is very different to our lives now. We have an exciting enrichment day coming up too.
Art – Doves will be exploring how shape and negative spaces can be represented by 3D forms. We will use a range of sculpture materials to create free standing structures. Our ideas will be influenced by the Artist Anthony Caro.
PE – PE will continue on Tuesdays. We are carrying on our unit about Basketball and then developing our Hockey skills later on in the term.
Music – In Music we are learning our songs for the Christmas Production.
Computing – We will be learning about online safety this half term. The children will begin by learning about keeping passwords safe and not to believe everything they read online. They will explore a spoof website and learn the purpose of PEGI ratings.
RE – This half term, the children will learning about Incarnation and answering the big question: What is the holy trinity? We are looking forward to having important roles in this year’s Christmas Service and making the story of the nativity come to life for our families and friends